Sunday, March 6, 2011

Heart-Healthy Wine & Johnny Depp

My taste buds are coming about, and I'm slowly starting to enjoy the taste of wine (something I've hated with a passion)! Unfortunately...I don't own nice wine glasses due to my lack of interest in the beverage. So for now, I will just have to enjoy it in my oh-so-fancy Bob Marley & The Wailers glass!

So here's a little tidbit for all you wine lovers out there :)

8 Health Benefits of Drinking Wine
By Christine Quinlan (

The Benefit: Promotes Longevity

The Evidence: Wine drinkers have a 34 percent lower mortality rate than beer or spirits drinkers. Source: a Finnish study of 2,468 men over a 29-year period, published in the Journals of Gerontology, 2007.

The Benefit: Reduces Heart-Attack Risk

The Evidence: Moderate drinkers suffering from high blood pressure are 30 percent less likely to have a heart attack than nondrinkers. Source: a 16-year Harvard School of Public Health study of 11,711 men, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, 2007.

The Benefit: Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

The Evidence: Red-wine tannins contain procyanidins, which protect against heart disease. Wines from Sardinia and southwest France have more procyanidins than other wines. Source: a study at Queen Mary University in London, published in Nature, 2006.

The Benefit: Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

The Evidence: Moderate drinkers have 30 percent less risk than nondrinkers of developing type 2 diabetes. Source: research on 369,862 individuals studied over an average of 12 years each, at Amsterdam's VU University Medical Center, published in Diabetes Care, 2005.

The Benefit: Lowers Risk of Stroke

The Evidence: The possibility of suffering a blood clot–related stroke drops by about 50 percent in people who consume moderate amounts of alcohol. Source: a Columbia University study of 3,176 individuals over an eight-year period, published in Stroke, 2006.

The Benefit: Cuts Risk of Cataracts

The Evidence: Moderate drinkers are 32 percent less likely to get cataracts than nondrinkers; those who consume wine are 43 percent less likely to develop cataracts than those drinking mainly beer. Source: a study of 1,379 individuals in Iceland, published in Nature, 2003.

The Benefit: Cuts Risk of Colon Cancer

The Evidence: Moderate consumption of wine (especially red) cuts the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent. Source: a Stony Brook University study of 2,291 individuals over a four-year period, published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2005.

The Benefit: Slows Brain Decline

The Evidence: Brain function declines at a markedly faster rate in nondrinkers than in moderate drinkers. Source: a Columbia University study of 1,416 people, published in Neuroepidemiology, 2006.


On a side note...last night I went with some family to go see Rango, a new animated movie, featuring Johnny Depp. 

I thought it was hilarious but noted the humor to be i guess? I don't know if that's the proper term, but a lot of the humor was directed towards an older audience. So when I asked my 10 year old cousins if they enjoyed the movie, I got an "eh" from one on them and an "I dunno" from the other. Oh well, I thought it was great! :)

Speaking of Johnny Depp, I was excited to finally see the preview for this movie on the big screen! The 4th installment to one of my favorite movie series! eeeeek!

Happy Sunday Bloggers! Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)


  1. Yes! J.D. is my fave! But you know this!

  2. Love the glass, but if you want some cheap real wine glasses the dollar store has a pretty great selection ;)
